Christopher Moore Degree Metropolitan Food and Drink The Modern Eater January 16, 2020 New menu coming from chef Christopher Moore! Get a sneak peak into Degree Metropolitan Food and Drink!
Let’s eat these goat legs….with Colorado Mills Sunflower Products The Modern Eater December 9, 2019 Three goat legs to cook and taste! Why don't we eat more goat?..... Action packed show tonight with Colorado Mills Sunflower Products, Next Stop Br...
Chef Christopher Moore is making glass potatoe chips with Strohauer Farms……what?? The Modern Eater November 22, 2019 Have you ever had glass potatoe chips?? Chef Christopher Moore from Degree Metropolitan Food and Drink was in studio making some really inovative dish...
Do you know someone with The Perfect Beef? Chefs, potatoes, beef and beer! The Modern Eater November 21, 2019 If potatoes could talk, they'd say "You think you grew up dirty?!" You know what's not funny.....serious cooking! Chef Christopher Moore from Degre...
Are you an ice eater? You love chili? Ice-O-Matic, Joy Wine and Spirits, Uno Mas Taqueria! The Modern Eater October 22, 2019 We learned so much on this show! Ice is way more complicated than you thought! Live from Studio Kitchen Colorado - Home of The Modern Eater Network...