The Modern Eater Show 09/26/15
The Great American Beer Festival! Who were the winners and what are the variables for taking home a metal? Greg Hollenback and Chef Jesper Jonsson broadcast live from the GABF to get full value of this great Colorado event. The Brewers Associations program director, Julia Herz joined the show to talk about how the judging works and what it takes to come away with a winning brew from the festival.
Greg and Jesper continue with Julia Herz as they dig in on how judging is done, how breweries qualify their beers and the categories they can enter. Julia also speaks on the growth in the beer industry, accusations and what it takes to be a viable thriving craft beer company.
Falling Rock Tap House’s, Chris Black joined the show to talk about the other side of the craft beer business, the buying side. How does a craft brewery get their product in tap houses and liquor stores? Chris buys a lot of craft beer for Falling Rock Tap House and he shares secrets about what he is looking for in order for him to put a beer on one of his coveted taps.
Chris Black continues as Mike Blandford and Greg Schlicting from Declaration Brewing Co. talk shop about the complexion of craft brewing in Colorado!
Be sure to listen to the Modern Drinker podcast as we continue with another hour from the Great American Beer Festival!
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