There are two human qualities being erased with each generation, in my opinion. I call it the two “commons”: common sense, and common courtesy. These are slowing being erased with each new generation of stupid people. I’ll be talking about the common sense part today. 

When you’re out at the bar and order something to drink or eat, it is common sense to assume that you’re going to pay for it. YOU ordered it, so I will charge YOU for the product.

Two nights ago, a woman sits down at my bar and declares she’s having an awful day. I said, “I’m sorry to hear that, can I get you something to drink?” (I’ll write about bartenders being therapists another time). She orders a glass of Merlot, so I promptly poured the sports bar’s finest red. I asked, “Would you like to start a tab?” She said, “Yes,” and gave me a credit card. A few minutes later, a gentleman saddles up in the seat next to her and they begin the pleasantries of sitting next to a stranger in a bar. The gentleman orders a draft of beer and starts his own tab.  

The woman asks for a food menu, and after taking a couple of minutes to scan it over, she orders chicken wings with blue cheese dressing. I ring in her food, and twelve minutes later, her wings arrive hot and delicious. The woman eats her delicious chicken, and I clear her plate. By this time, the woman and man are in conversation about something (who cares), and it’s time for another glass of sports bar red wine. This time around, the man says he’d like to buy this drink for the lady, and so this glass of wine goes on his tab. 

Fast forward, and the lady tells me to close her tab. I give her the receipt with one glass of wine and chicken wings, and this is the following conversation: 

Guest: Hey, you over charged me. (Serious attitude) 

Bartender: Come again? 

Guest: You over charged me, I only had one glass of wine. How can it be $17? Is one glass of wine $17? (Increased attitude with sarcasm) 

Bartender: Let me take a look here…Yup, there’s one glass of wine and chicken wings, I believe that’s correct. 

Guest: I’m not paying for my chicken wings. 

Bartender: Did I miss something? You ate your chicken wings…so… 

Guest: He’s paying for them! (points to her new man friend) 

Bartender: I did not know that. Sir, are you paying for her wings? 

Man: Yeah, I’ll get ‘em. 

Bartender: Okay, no problem. I didn’t know he was paying for your food, because you didn’t tell me that he was paying for your food, so for the record, I didn’t “over charge.” (Attitude back at ya) 

Guest: Ohh, I didn’t know that’s how YOU do things here. 

Bartender: Woah, woah, woah.  This isn’t how “I” do things here, this is how real life works. YOU ordered chicken wings, so I put them on YOUR tab.  

Guest: Whatever. 

Bartender: Indeed.  

My tip was $0.00. 

So now I’m the asshole?  

Sometimes the thought of sharing the earth’s oxygen with people like this is difficult, but thankfully somebody more ridiculous is waiting for me at the end of the bar. 

Tell me what drives you up the wall at your work!! 

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