Some Restaurants are still closed…by choice?!
beast + bottle and Coperta are two spots in Denver that you couldn’t wait to have open again, but even with Governor Polis re-opening restaurants, they decided not to! Here’s why…
Aileen Reilly from Beast and Bottle and Coperta joins the show to tell us their story and why they decided to stay closed for a while longer.
Chefs Blake Stine and Marcus Eng with the Emily Griffith Technical College Culinary Quick Start are in studio with Rich O’Brien from Elevation Reps!
The Culinary Quick Start chefs are getting ready for their first class of the program by showing us their 3 step breading process and Rich O is helping out with a restaurant equipment overview!
If you want a career in culinary or just need to sharpen up your cooking skills, sign up today at no cost right here!
Chef Mike Russo from Roadhouse Boulder Depot is also in studio cooking one his favorite dishes from the restaurant, Pan Seared Chicken breast in a lemon butter cream sauce!
When it comes to culinary knives, there’s one chef we turn to, Mr. Elan Wenzel from Element Knife Company! Chef Elan is going to show us some basic knife safety tips, and yes he’s gonna be chopping up some things!
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